2024 : Doit-on suivre les tendances déco ?

2024: Should we follow decorating trends?

On Mirette, we are convinced that decorating your interior should not be a question of "fashion", of "trend" dictated by external elements. We remain firmly convinced that your interior must above all correspond to you, provide you with well-being, a cocoon of serenity which belongs only to you with which you feel in harmony. This makes it possible to select durable pieces and avoid the overconsumption that fashion trends often lead to.

However, when the trend highlights the deep desire for change in our consumption patterns, the desire to place our planet at the center of our concerns, then yes, it captures our attention!

If you have a new space to decorate, then why not take inspiration from these movements, which place craftsmanship at the heart of projects, and respect for the environment as a guideline.

For 2024, decoration trends are emerging with an obvious common thread: the promotion of craftsmanship and art in our living spaces. Inspired by the search for authenticity and singularity, the world of interior decoration is moving towards unique and meaningful pieces, testimonies of traditional and contemporary know-how. Ceramic pieces, for example, will remain very popular, whether for tableware or vases and other unique, handmade sculptures. For decorative elements as for furnishing in general, the choices will remain focused on raw and natural materials. Chrome and copper will also be at the center of our decorations in 2024.


Back to basics: authenticity as a key word

The year 2024 confirms a trend that has been gaining ground for several years: authenticity in our daily lives. Consumers are turning to objects that tell a story, pieces handcrafted by passionate professional artists and artisans. In this quest for meaning, handcrafted objects offer a strong emotional and cultural dimension, creating a special bond between the artist and the buyer, who integrates a piece of the creator's universe into their home.

Personalization: creating an interior that suits us

The trend of personalization is also confirmed in 2024. No more standardized interiors, make way for singularity and personal expression. Consumers are looking to stand out by incorporating pieces of art and crafts that reflect their personality, avoiding ending up with the same decor as their neighbors with unique pieces.

Maximalism or Neo-minimalism

If minimalism has been the norm in recent years, in 2024 it will give way to two new concepts: Maximalism and neo-minimalism.

Always in search of an interior with character, which resembles us, maximalism celebrates abundance, advocates the accumulation of objects, colors and textures to create rich and expressive atmospheres.
If you wish to adopt this style, at Mirette we will of course recommend choosing durable and timeless pieces as much as possible, in order to limit overconsumption.

On the other hand, neo-minimalism retains this spirit of "less, but better", not cluttering oneself but surrounding oneself with beautiful things, rather than "too many things". This concept is then part of a more responsible approach, encouraging more thoughtful consumption.

Sustainable and ethical: values ​​at the heart of the trend

Ecological and ethical awareness is more present than ever in decorative choices. Recycled materials, environmentally friendly production techniques and fair working conditions are criteria increasingly taken into account by consumers. In this again, craftsmanship is a choice that makes sense, through its respect for people, and through its reasonable and reasoned production methods.

Always in a desire to reconnect with the environment, the biophilic trend continues to gain ground. In 2024, plants are no longer just decorative elements, but essential components of a balanced living space. Green walls, indoor gardens and natural materials such as raw wood, stone and bamboo dominate the scene, creating interiors that breathe and live to the rhythm of the seasons. Note that architects themselves are increasingly taking their approach in this spirit. The Harmonie & Conception firm dedicates an article to this emerging concept.

AD magazine also mentions this trend: “Inside and outside, the layout of the house goes to the essential, imbued with simplicity and nature while valuing humanity through craftsmanship and works of creators. », like the Japandi style.


The Colors of the Earth

It is therefore quite logical that we see that the color palettes for 2024 are inspired by earthy and organic shades. Warm tones like ocher, terracotta and sage green bring a feeling of comfort and serenity. Combined with natural textures, these colors contribute to a soothing atmosphere and invite relaxation and well-being, at the heart of our current concerns.

Patterns and bright colors are also making a comeback this year, to banish the ambient gloom and fill up with energy thanks to a dynamic interior.

You will have understood, at Mirette we encourage you to create an environment that suits you, soothes you, allows you to feel good. To do this, we also encourage you to promote responsible, sustainable and ethical consumption, and this includes materials and manufacturing methods. In this way, craftsmanship is a sure value, because while decorating your home with a unique piece of character, you allow the artist or craftsman to make a living from their art and their know-how. The choice of materials is reasoned, human values ​​are respected and most often, production is designed with the best possible respect for the environment.

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  • Style

    Maximalism Vs Minimalism

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  • Materials

    Noble and natural materials: raw wood, ceramic, marble...

    Chromium and Copper

  • Colors

    Organic and natural colors, ocher, beige, terracotta and oceanic shades

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